Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bad Luck

So I am now the official owner of a Bradley GT. The car pickup was a success got all the papers signed and what not.

The trip was long and somewhat exhausting but fun. It is an 8 hour drive from here in Louisiana to Oklahoma. We started late at around 7 pm Thursday night. My dad and his friend came with me. My dad drove the first 500 miles. Now my dad's friend doesn't have good all, and we didn't have lights hooked up to our trailer...So as soon as my dad's friend gets behind the wheel he says "Watch a cop pull me over." He gets out onto the interstate and a cop pulls us the next exit...but all was good and well, as the cop was kind and understanding and let us off the hook. So as soon as we got into Oklahoma we stopped at a Wal-mart for an adapter since the trailer's light hookup didn't match the truck's(which is why we were driving it without lights to start). While we were there waiting on the guy we went and checked out Lake Hefner which we could see from our hotel room. As you can see from pics(linked below) the water level was really low. The cause was probably a combination of it being really dry there and having about 50 days straight of temperatures over 100. When we were leaving to head home the truck was reading 106 degrees outside....that's hot.

So now I have this car. It's in beautiful shape on the outside, and decent shape on the inside. It has aftermarket quad exhaust on it already. The guy we bought it from also gave us the original dual exhaust setup if we ever want to put it on. The aftermarket exhaust required the removal of the heating tubes, so I will find a way to seal up the holes left there. He also removed the side view mirrors and sanded over the spots where they were attached. The wiring may need some work because of how long it has been sitting and the fact that the windshield wiper motor isn't attached. The idle doesn't work completely, because it is running too rich, but we plan on getting it fixed soon. It will need a little clean up which we will do soon, but other than that it's in great shape and everything is original.

Now for the pics of the trip click here.

Me and my friend Hunter will be taking the car to a mechanic he knows to get a problem with the idle fixed. The next blog will include an update about that.
